Jinx in the Sky does incredible artworks inspired by dreams, the mysteries of the unconcious mind and elements of everyday emotions that are easier painted than expressed by words.
She likes to use symbols and metaphors as they are present in our dreams, disguising the wonderful and the terrible, the fears, wishes and hopes, puzzeling the dreamer upon awaking
This exhibition "Through Diamond Eyes" is about that view of the world that she sometimes has, distorted yet beautiful. "Many of the paintings exhibited are dreams I've had or feelings I've experienced in the waking world which I've symbolised and distorted like dreams and crystals do."
The exhibition is accompanied by her short stop-motion film of the same title "Through Diamond Eyes". The film is about a girl who's crystals are pieces of her soul - her inner eyes - and how they see the world as they embark on a kaleidoscopic-dreamlike journey.
In addition to Jinx in the Skys paintings at the show (of which most are in acrylic, a couple in watercolour) there will also be limited edition Giclee prints available.
Where: Manky Chops Gallery yo!
166a Cuba Street
When: Exhibition opening Thursday 13th May from 6.30pm
Gold coin entry.
Runs til Staurday 29th May
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