The time has come again for the Love and Guts Art Show to make its triumphant return to Australia and New Zealand in what promises to be one of the most memorable shows to date. Skateboarding's past and present heroes will converge for an exhibition entitled Eyes Wide Open, which is centered around skating's fallen soldiers whose lives expired far too soon.
Participants in this year's show include Steve Caballero, Pat Ngoho, Chris Senn, Chad Ford, Sasha Steinhorst, David Read, Joel Middlemiss, Andrew Morrison, Ymre Molnar, Rhys Campbell, Paul Cosgrave, Andre Butzr, Simon Morse, Kyle Robertson, Chet Childress, Thomas Wrinkler, Dave Chami, Christian Cooper, Alex Senigalliesi and Chris Ortiz.
Eyes Wide Open : Love and Guts Show
Opens Thursday 11th Febuary and only runs for 3 days! So get in there!
For more info visit HERE
I've got some serious posting to catch up on!
CAST hitting the heavens. Heavens seem to be proving popular with Welly writers of late.
Good to see something good going up in Leftbank. I hardly ever go down there due to the lack of decent stuff to photograph. SPURT holding it down.
UNIT has beed putting up some pretty decent stuff around town lately. More to come in the next post or 2.
I found a site through ASKEW1.COM called The Exchange where Graff writers exchange sketches/outlines and send them on to other writers to paint. It's a farking cool concept involving some of the best writers around.
Check it out HERE
Have you ordered your KRINK t-shirts from MrGraffiti.com yet?
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