Wednesday, July 13, 2011

FRAGILE do not bend Pt. 2

This set of photos sparked a mini debate on Facebook about the intentions of the police and / or the artist involved so here's the background behind it.

'' It's a campaign to recruit more cops. BUT! They're trying to appeal to a less... Um... 20yr old male with an ego/power trip mentality, type. The woman cop in the stencil has dedicated her adult life to busting paedophiles and violent assholes who abuse kids in all sorts of horrible ways ''

(taken from a comment by Otis Frizzell on my FaceBook page)

I learnt while chatting to the guys running the show that the Detective Kylie Schaare(pictured at bottom of post) had studied Law at University with the intention of becoming a Detective in the police force. As stated above by Otis Frizzell himself she has dedicated her life to busting child abusers and pedophiles.

This is 1 stencil of 4. 1 in Wellington and Auckland and 2 in Christchurch. Each stencil representing a Police Officer / Detective that have done something positive in the community. I will source photos of the 3 other stencils and post them.

I will remain passive with this one as I don't want another debate about who or what is right when it comes to Street Art and the involvement of the Police with it. I will let the quality of the art work speak for itself.

Photo of someone taking a photo.

Otis Frizzell and Kylie Schaare of the CIB  who the stencil was fashioned after.


 I went back down around 7pm to snap a photo of a projected image of a shadow looming over the Kid with Detective Kylie standing in the way protecting the child

As you can see in the above photo that I arrived a bit to early.

Thanks to Cam, Chris, Ollie and all the other people with names I cant remember. But most of all thanks to Otis Frizzell for being a good cunt!


1 comment:

  1. Wow I think this is awesome! I know what you mean about sparking a debate about the rights and wrongs of street art, but I think the message in this format makes it stand out and so much more powerful!
