A few random photos I had floating around on the hard-drive
T has posted up some photos of Berst on AKLDWALLSTREET
Local artist Yelz has his website up and running
Check 'em out @ ILIKEYELZ.CO.NZ
Rimoni The Brotographer has posted photos of Phat1 TMD finishing off an on-going project at a tattoo shop in South Auckland.
Sirum has some awesome photos up on his site.
fuck bat (bitches and toys) the biggest toy crew in the country. oh yeah fuck tone fuck decoy fuck tko fuck at least half of otp since every man and his dog hits it up these days. fuck swag fuck waste fuck stona fuck level and fuck sks that dirty toilet negra.
ReplyDeletehaha good shit FUck dem biters crews
ReplyDeletewws cappd soweto !! :O
ReplyDeleteThe buff turned up just after I took the photo of the Soweto throw.
Weird comment!
he talks of your watermark,dude.good post,solid stuff from soweto and vinyl.more bombing
ReplyDeleteOops Hahaha not sure how that happened. Thanks Jamesons.
ReplyDeleteoO WWS Oo